
留学生作业代写 人文主义的观点


留学生作业代写 人文主义的观点

The Humanistic Perspective has not presented inclusive framework, but rather a collection of major principles that can be seen as a directive to life this are as followed: Emphasis on personal responsibility this means that there is practically nothing we “have to” do. Humanistic theorists argue that our behaviours represent personal choices of what we want to do at a particular moment. (Medium, 2019). Emphasis on functioning in the “here and now therefore In the humanistic approach, people needn’t be victims of their past . Acknowledging the phenomenology of the individual During the course of therapy, clients come to understand themselves and develop an appropriate strategy for resolving their problems.. Emphasis on personal growth Rogers called this ”becoming a fully functioning, while Maslow referred to this idea as “self-actualization”.Therefore, in my opinion, the humanistic perspective of psychology has huge impact in a Montessori environment due to the fact that the teacher/therapist acts as a guide to help with the development of the whole person and to build positive relationships. That everyone is treated the same way and never judge on their past experiences. The humanistic approach has a major emphasis on freedom of choice that humans learn by what they are interested in. This is very similar to Montessori’s approach she believes that children have a say and control on their own learning. In my opinion from placement, it is clearly obvious when children get to pick what the want to learn they absorb it quicker then if the were learning something they didn’t like. If we apply a humanistic approach in our classroom environment in the process of learning and teaching in order to help produce a good learner and critical of reality. This approach helps children better understand themselves and to create a positive learning environment that promotes their desire to learn. If a teacher follows the humanistic approach students are more likely to discuss their feelings, opinions and problems with learning.Humanists, such as Maslow and Montessori, believe it is necessary to study and develop the whole person over their live long learning. Both Maslow and Montessori believe that children are to be respected as fellow human beings.

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