留学生社会学作业代写 新西兰移民

所有新来新西兰的人都需要有一定程度的适应和文化适应。取决于个人的支持系统,适应的水平可以有很大的不同与丰富的因素相连。从文化适应到语言障碍,已经进行了一些研究,以帮助支持新来者预期将遇到的变化。Stuart和Ward在2011年所做的研究强调了新西兰年轻穆斯林移民的文化适应、融合和适应,并基于受访者的经验。研究探讨了三个主要领域,以帮助简化研究结果。这些领域是:成功的意义、定义和成就、协商多重社会身份的过程和身份的图形表示。根据所给出的标准和分析的数据,研究人员认为年轻的穆斯林渴望在以下方面取得成功:个人、社会、物质和宗教领域,以及在家庭、朋友、穆斯林社区和更广泛的社会中取得良好的平衡。这些证据支持了移民中文化适应的重要性,在新西兰更是如此。在一个新的环境中有一个良好的支持系统是成功的关键。另一个关于新西兰移民的观点是通过一项关于前叙利亚难民和必须适应新西兰生活的双方的研究,特别是日常的读写习惯(Kaur, 2016)。研究显示了需求的变化和特定的文化和语境方面的受访者的文化水平。这又给前难民在重新安置期间造成了两个复杂的问题。第一个是文化习惯的改变,由于被迫移民,带来了很大的压力,第二个是认识到参与研究的人在新环境中运用的优势和她在驾驭新的复杂的文学方面的足智多虑。这项研究在新西兰对年长的菲律宾移民进行的研究中得到了呼应(Montayre, Neville & Holroyd, 2017)。这项研究主要围绕三个主题,即受访者对新环境的感受。这三个主题是:移民在移民过程中所经历的挑战,与新西兰保健系统有关的挑战,以及在新西兰建立菲律宾身份认同和适应搬迁困难的挑战。两项研究都强调了移民在前往新西兰时遇到的困难。这些都是合理的问题,几乎所有新来新西兰的人都是如此。通过研究结果和建议,进一步给出了减少移民可能遇到的必要调整的途径。目前的研究将试图利用上述建议,让受访者了解新移民对移居新西兰的看法所包含的因素的基础。

留学生社会学作业代写 新西兰移民

All newcomers in New Zealand are expected to have a degree of adjustment and acculturation. Depending on the support system of the individual, the level of adaptation can differ greatly with an abundance of factors attached to it. From acculturation to barriers in language, studies have been done to help support the changes that newcomers are expected to encounter. The study done by Stuart and Ward in 2011 highlight the acculturation, integration and adaptation of youth Muslim immigrants in New Zealand and was based on the respondents’ experiences. The research has explored three main areas to help streamline the results of the study. The areas are: the meaning, definition and achievement of success, the process of negotiating multiple social identities and the graphic representation of identity. Based on the criteria given and the data analysed, the researchers perceived that young Muslims aspire to achieve success in the following: personal, social, material and religious domains as well as a good balance in family, friends, the Muslim community and a wider society. These are evidence that supports the importance of acculturation in migration, more so in New Zealand. Having a good support system on ones journey in a new environment is critical to its success.Another point of view on immigration in New Zealand was shown thru a study about a former Syrian refugee and the two sides of having to adjust with life in New Zealand, specifically everyday literacy practices (Kaur, 2016). The research showed the changing demands and the particular cultural and contextual aspects of the respondents’ literacy level. This in turn resulted into two complex issues for the former refugee during the periods of their resettlement. The first being the change in literacy practices, as a result of forced migration, brings much stress and the second one is recognising the strengths that the participant in the study utilised and her resourcefulness in navigating new and complex literacies in the new environment. This study was echoed in the research conducted about older Filipino migrants in New Zealand (Montayre, Neville & Holroyd, 2017). The study focused on three themes on how the respondents perceived their move to a new environment. The three themes are: challenges that the migrants experienced during their migration, challenges relating to the New Zealand healthcare system and the challenge of establishing a Filipino identity in New Zealand and adjusting to the difficulties of relocation. The studies both highlight the difficulties that migrants encounter in their move to New Zealand. These are valid issues and have been consistent in almost all newcomers coming to New Zealand. The researches has further given the pathway towards reducing the necessary adjustment that a migrant would be expected to encounter thru its results and recommendations. The present research will seek to use said recommendations to inform the respondents of the basis of the factors included in the study for newcomers’ perception of moving to New Zealand.

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