
留学生生物作业代写 被研究关系

我们可以从本体论的角度观察到,我们想要研究的现实并不存在于作为研究者的我之外,我们想要建立的联系是被研究的现实和我们之间的相互关系。由于本研究的目的是探索患者在宠物治疗方面的经验,我们认为定性研究方法对于表达癌症相关症状患者的心声以及他们如何体验这些症状的缓解是很重要的。同样重要的是,要了解肿瘤患者之间的关系,以及他们对pet疗法的关注,以及使用这种疗法所提供的帮助。同样,解释性范式所激发的研究基于这样的假设:人们生活在一个环境中,并通过他们的言语和行为创造一种文化(Guba和Lincoln, 2005)。定性解释范式研究的目的在于从人的真实维度理解人的原因和动机;因此,这种理解是从内部获得的,允许患者自由地讲述他们自己关于宠物治疗的生活经历。此外,从认识论的角度来看,研究结果来自受访者和研究者之间的相互关系。在这个意义上,我们认为结果是参与者和采访者之间的共同构建,承认所有参与者的主观因素影响了结果。同时,我们也认识到我的个人主观性,我的价值观和信仰在这个研究中起到了一定的作用。

留学生生物作业代写 被研究关系

As we can observe from an ontological point of view, the reality that we intended to study did not exist outside of me as a researcher, and the connection that we looked to establish was an interrelation between the studied reality and us. As this research aimed to explore the patients’ experiences regarding pet therapy, we believe that a qualitative research approach was important to give a voice to those who are suffering from cancer-related symptoms and how they experienced the relief of these symptoms. It is equally significant to understand the associations that oncological patients made and what are their concerns regarding the pet therapy and the assistance provided from using it.Likewise, research inspired from the interpretative paradigm are based on the assumption that people live in a context and create a culture that is reproduced through their words and actions (Guba and Lincoln, 2005). The intention of the research in a qualitative interpretative paradigm seeks to understand people’s reasons and motivations in their real dimension; as such, this understanding is obtained from within, allowing patients to freely narrate their own lived experiences regarding pet therapy.Additionally, from an epistemological point of view, the results obtained came from the interrelation between the researcher and the group of interviewees. In this sense, we consider that the results are co-constructions between the participants and the interviewer, admitting that subjectivities from all the participants influenced the results. Also, we recognize that my personal subjectivity, my values and beliefs played a role in this research.
